Pakistani Taliban Declares Loyalty to ISIS
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On October 5, Al Sharq Alawsat reported that the Pakistani Taliban has offered its loyalty to ISIS and called on extremists throughout the region to support the group. The Nusra Front and other Al Qaeda affiliates have criticized the decision, referring to ISIS as a "cartoonish" group.
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- a series of tweets
- سلسلة من التغريدات
- splitting up, being divided
- تَفَرُّق
- (it) was observed
- تم رصد
- to be seen
- شوهِدُ ، يُشاهَدُ
- fundamentalist movement
- حركة أصولية
- establishing Sharia law (approximate)
- النزول للشرع
- campaign
- حملة
- praise, commendation
- مدح
- to supply with
- زَوَّدَ ، يُزَوِّدُ بِه
- to distribute
- وَزَّعَ ، يُوَزِّعُ