Medvedev Tells Teachers to Go Into Business
Lesson Brief
Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev gave some strange advice to teachers at a recent forum when asked about the low wages teachers in Russia received. Medvedev responded that if teachers want to earn more money, they should open a business on the side. Read the article and watch the accompanying video to find out exactly what he said!
Click and Match
- personal experience
- собственный опыт
- current year
- текущий год
- rank, grade
- чин
- concise, succinct
- лаконичный
- to make ends meet
- сводить концы с концами
- ambiguous
- неоднозначный
- graduate school, post-graduate study
- аспирантура
- teacher, instructor
- преподаватель
- salary, wages
- зарплата
- to eradicate, uproot
- искоренить, искоренять