Mariam Ibrahim Taking On Religious Oppression
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
BBC Arabic reported that Mariam Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman sentenced to death in that country for converting to Christianity from Islam, is launching a campaign against religious oppression. Ibrahim, who gave birth to a child while in shackles, is currently living in asylum in the U.S.
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- to protect
- حَمَى ، يَحْمي
- apostasy
- رِدَّة
- to receive
- تَسَلَّمَ ، يَتَسَلَّمُ
- to receive (also)
- تَلَقَّى ، يَتَلَقَّى
- bound, tied up
- مُقَيَّد
- court (judicial)
- محكمة
- to make, to compel
- جَعَلَ ، يَجْعَلُ
- to be raised, to grow up
- تَرَبَّى ، يَتَرَبَّى
- charge, accusation
- تهمة
- to be rescued
- نَجَا ، يَنْجي من