Major Cuts Planned For Higher Education in Israel

Lesson Brief Ynet
On July 22, Ynet reported that Israel's Ministry of Finance would institute massive budget cuts that would result in millions cut from higher education budgets in the country. Higher education leaders and students have joined together to fight the decision, claiming that it would have an extremely detrimental impact on education and research in Israel. The article uses a couple of interesting phrases used to describe the return and loss of leading Israeli minds and professionals. השבת המוחות  and בריחת המוחות The article also uses the phrase הגיל הרך to mean early childhood education; however, the word combo can also mean the tender age of children if translated literally. Verb Conjugation Practice לתהות - to wonder, ponder
צִוּוּי עתיד עבר   הווה  
  אֶתְהֶה תָהִיתִי אֲנִי תוֹהֶה יחיד
תְהֵה תִתְהֶה תָהִיתָ אַתָה תוֹהָה יחידה
תְהִי תִתְהִי תָהִית אַת תוֹהִים רבים
  יתְהֶה תָהָה הוּא תוֹהוֹת רבוֹת
  תִתְהֶה תָהְתָה הִיא    
  נִתְהֶה תָהִינוּ אֲנַחנוּ    
תְהוּ תִתְהוּ תָהִיתֶם/ן אַתֶם/ן    
  יִתְהוּ תָהוּ הֵם/ן    

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