Low-Cost Carriers Lowering Regional Air Travel Costs
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On January 11, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported that the cost of plane tickets has dropped in the Middle East. At first glance this drop in ticket prices might seem linked to lower oil prices; multiple news reports have suggested that the airline industry is one of the biggest beneficiaries of lower oil prices. However, airline industry experts have said that fuel costs and ticket prices are not necessarily directly linked, and that the real reason for lower prices is the emergence of low-cost carriers and and airport facilities. The video clip provided discusses the beneficiaries of the drop in oil prices.
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- in need of
- بحاجة إلى
- specialist, expert
- مختص
- low-cost
- منخفض التكلفة
- to be limited to
- اقْتَصَرَ ، يَقْتَصِرُ على
- (here) to advise, to recommend
- أَوْصَى ، يوصي به
- coupled with, paired with, tied to
- مقترنا بِه
- to implement, to apply
- طَبَّقَ ، يُطَبِّقُ
- lowering costs
- خفض التكاليف
- more advanced, more modern
- أكثر تطورا
- like, such as
- أسوة بِه