Lebanese Army Combating Terrorist Groups in Tripoli
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
On October 30, An Nahar reported that Lebanese security forces launched preemptive operations against ISIS and Al Nusra Front in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli. After a number of raids and arrests, security officials declared they had thwarted plans to establish an "emirate of the north." Note the interesting (politicized) language used for "displaced" Syrians living in "complexes" in Lebanon, versus Palestinian "refugees" living in "camps."
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- however long it takes
- مهما طالَ الزمن
- pursuing
- ملاحقة
- secret agreements
- اتفاقات سِرِّيَّة
- to call on
- دَعا ، يَدْعو
- to vow
- تَوَعَّدَ ، يَتَوَعَّدُ
- compound, complex
- مجمع
- displaced Syrians
- نازحين سوريين
- to attack, to assault
- اعْتَدَى ، يَعْتَديْ على
- the day before yesterday
- أولْ من أمس
- it had been destroyed
- كانَ دُمِّرَ