Jordanian Queen Rania Speaks Out against ISIS and Extremism
Lesson Brief
Al Arabiya
On February 9, Jordanian Queen Rania al-Abdallah delivered a televised speech mourning the loss of Captain Muaz al-Kasasbeh, the Jordanian pilot captured and brutally burned alive by ISIS. Scheduled to attend a summit in Dubai about governance and economics for future generations, she explained she could attend while Jordan remained in mourning. During her speech, Queen Rania condemned ISIS and the brutality of such extremist groups, pleading that now is a time for action and that it is a race against time to stop the spread of ISIS' ideology. Please listen to the video before and after completing the vocabulary drills; avoid reading the subtitles until you are comfortable enough with the content on its own. Please note the transliterations of the speech provided in the article are not always perfectly accurate.
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- absorbing, accounting for
- استيعاب
- retribution against
- قصاص من
- the labor market
- سوق العمل
- (here) dear, precious
- اﻟﻐﺎﻟﻲ
- to perform duties (requirements)
- أَﺗَمَّ ، يُتِمُّ ﻓروض
- to excuse oneself from (for), to apologize for
- اعْتَذَرَ ، يَعْتَذِرُ عن
- to match up with, to suit, to align with
- تَناسَبَ ، يَتَناسَبُ مع
- to guarantee
- ضَمَنَ ، يَضْمَنُ
- for the sake of the dearest (most precious)
- ﻣن أﺟل اﻷﻏﻠﻰ
- cloud(s), cloudiness
- غمامة