Jordan and Lebanon Look to Improve Economic Relations
Lesson Brief
Al Hayat
On August 9, Al Hayat reported that Jordan and Lebanon are preparing to hold bilateral talks in Amman to improve economic ties between the two countries. The Jordanian-Lebanese Higher Committee is aiming to hold its seventh round of talks in the near future. The last meeting was held five years ago, and progress on agreements has been obstructed by political upheaval in the region.
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- restrictions
- قيود
- provisioning
- تموين
- to go around, to surround
- أَحاطَ ، يُحيطُ
- streamlining, being fluid, facilitating
- انسياب
- to suggest, to recommend
- اقْتَرَحَ ، يَقْتَرِحُ
- modern and effective
- حديث وفعال
- prepatory
- تحضيري
- to translate (into reality)
- تَرْجَمَ ، يُتَرْجِمُ
- concerned with, interested in
- معنية به
- practical mechanisms
- آليات عملية