Jesus’s tomb reopens after restoration
Lesson Brief
On March 22, Jesus's tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was reopened to the public after a nine-month renovation that cost more than $4 million. The project was ultimately celebrated by the various Christian sects that hold rights over the holy site, which has often times been a source of tension. As part of the renovation, the team lifted the rock slab which tradition says Jesus's body was placed upon following his crucifixion. The raising of the slab allowed the team to clean up layers of dirt that had accumulated over the past 200 years.
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Video Vocabulary:
מתיחות | tension | הועברה גופתו | His body was moved |
מאבקי שליטה | Power struggles | שריפה | A fire |
הסכם נדיר | A rare agreement | מומחים | experts |
מזבח | altar | רשות העתיקות | Antiquities Authority |
להאמין , מאמין | To believe | עלול להתמוטט | May collapse |
צלב | Cross, crucifix | חיזוק | Reinforcement, strengthening |
ברזל | iron | תחייה | Resurrection |