Jerusalem PTA Demands Better School Protection
Lesson Brief
On October 11, NRG reported that in light of the wave of terror in Jerusalem, the Jerusalem PTA and teacher's union have set an ultimatum for the Israeli government to improve security at kindergartens, middle schools, and high schools throughout the city. The Jerusalem PTA demanded that the government find a solution by the evening of the 11th, or else it would announce a general strike.
The attached video is a discussion on an Israeli news station discussing the current wave of violence.
Click and Match
- elementary school
- בֵּית סֵפֶר יְסוֹדִי
- urgent meeting
- פְּגִישָׁה דָחוּפה
- to worsen / worsening
- לְהַחרִיף, מחריף / הַחרָפָה
- protecting, protection
- אַבטָחָה
- as a result of the threat
- בְּעִקְבוֹת האִיוּם
- gradually
- בצוּרָה הַדרָגָתִית
- teachers union
- הִסתַדְרוּת המורים
- crisis
- מַשׁבֵּר
- to set an ultimatum
- לְהַצִיב אוּלְטִימָטוּם, מַצִּיב
- significant decision
- הַחְלָטָה מַשְׁמָעוּתִית