Italy Summons Egypt’s Ambassador Over Student’s Death

Lesson Brief CNN Arabic
On February 4, Italy summoned Egypt's ambassador concerning the death of an Italian student whose body, with visible signs of torture, was discovered after he had gone missing in January. On Friday, Italian investigators flew to Egypt to participate in a joint investigation with Egyptian authorities to help find the student's killers. Outrage has continued to grow over the student's death as rumors have emerged that his murder may have been politically motivated. Additional Vocabulary:

على خلفية

regarding كل ما يتعلق به

everything related to


since لما حدث

For what happened

كانون الثاني

January وصف ، يصف

To describe

شبكة ، شبكات

Network(s) على جميع المستويات

At all levels

وزير الخارجية

Foreign Minister جمهورية


نظرا ل

In view of, given وفقا ل

According to

السلطات المصرية

The Egyptian authorities أسرة



With the participation of نظام



Returning ضد


في أقرب وقت ممكن

As soon as possible بحسب

According to


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