Israel’s Knesset passes controversial settlement law

Lesson Brief Maariv
On February 7, Israel Hayom reported on the majority passage of an Israeli law that retroactively legalizes thousands of homes in Israeli settlements built on Palestinian-owned land in the West Bank. Prior to the passage, these 4,000 homes were deemed illegal under Israeli law. As part of the law, Palestinians will be compensated financially for the land or be given alternative land. Many Palestinians view the law as eliminating the dream of making Jerusalem the capital of a future Palestinian state. The law is likely to go to the Israeli Supreme Court. Israel's Attorney General has already said that the law is unconstitutional. The attached video is of Israeli MK Naftali Bennet, the leader of the right-wing Jewish Home party, speaking in favor of the law. Suggested Set: The UN Settlement Vote Video Vocabulary:
יוּבָא It will be brought (m) מדובר ב (here) We’re talking about
ועדת השרים Committee of Ministers אזרחים citizens
לחקיקה For legislation, enactment לשרת , משרת To serve
הגיע הזמן The time has come לשלם מסים , משלם מסים To pay taxes
תושבי יו"ש Residents of Judea and Samaria למלא , ממלא To fulfill
אני מצפה מ I expect from חובות duties
לתמוך במהלך To support the move נבחרנו We were elected
לבצע , נבצע To carry out, we’ll carry out  
ערוץ הכנסת

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