Israeli satellite destroyed

Lesson Brief Globes
On September 1, Israel's Amos 6 satellite was destroyed during the Space X rocket explosion at Cape Canaveral. While the loss of the $200 million satellite was a blow to Israel's space industry, it was also seen by some as opening up new opportunities for the country. This set will prepare you to read a business and space-related Hebrew article and the vocabulary in the table below will help you listen to the attached video. Suggested Set: The dark side of Pluto Video Vocabulary:
כולנו צָפִינוּ We all watched גיבוש מדיניות החלל Formulating a space policy
סרטונים videos סיוע Assistance, aid
לתעד , מתעד To record אירוע מצער regrettable incident
מונחים terms תעשייה מפוארת Magnificent industry
צְמִיחָה growth יכולותיה Its capabilities
מֶשֶׁק economy
תוכנית מואצת An accelerated plan
הצעות רשוניות preliminary proposals
Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space

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