Israeli-Palestinian Tensions Continue to Rise
Lesson Brief
Al Quds Al Arabi
On October 6, Al Quds Al Arabi reported Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' claims that Israel has declared war on the Palestinian people and its leadership. Abbas blamed Israeli actions, including what he considers the judaizing of Jerusalem, as the sole cause of the escalating violence between the two sides. Abbas has stated that Israel is trying to pull the two sides into conflict in order to draw attention away from its international isolation.
Click and Match
- to hold a meeting
- عَقَدَ اجتماعا، يَعْقُد
- isolation
- العزلة
- converting settlement outposts
- تحويل البؤر الاستيطانية
- temporal and spatial
- الزماني والمكاني
- to drag, pull the situation
- جَرَّ الوضع، يَجُرّ
- providing international protection
- توفير الحماية الدولية
- demolishing houses and expelling residents
- هدم البيوت وتهجير السكان
- consecrating
- تكريس
- leadership
- قيادة
- speech(es)
- خِطاب ، أخطبة