Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection
Lesson Brief
Israel's Ministry of Environmental Protection formulates the country's environmental policy, including on the national, regional, and local levels. Established in 1988, the ministry tackles a variety of different environmental issues and strives to establish Israel as a leading nation on environmental matters.
Click and Match
- instructing
- إرشاد
- to provide
- ُوَفَّرَ ، يُوَفِّر
- implementing the law
- تطبيق القانون
- to support
- ُدَعَمَ ، يَدْعَم
- sustainable growth
- التنمية المستدامة
- (here) inhabitant, population
- سَاكِن ، سُكَان
- environmental units
- الوحدات البيئة
- to take responsibility
- تَحَمَّلَ المسئولية ، يَتَحَمَّلُ المسئولية
- natural resources
- الموارد الطبيعية
- local level
- المستوى اللوائي