Israel-Turkey Gas Deal Back On The Table
Lesson Brief
On December 10, Globes reported that a Turkish government spokesman was quoted as stating that Turkey would resume gas deal negotiations with Israel if Israel paid it reparations for the flotilla incident in 2010 and removed the blockade on Gaza. The statement comes after Netanyahu's recent remarks that if Israel's gas deal with Egypt falls through, Israel would like to export natural gas to Turkey. Turkey is also seeking new gas import sources as its relations with Russia have soured after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet.
Click and Match
- to pay reparations
- לשלם פיצוייים
- from an economic point of view
- מבחינה כלכלית
- signed draft, outline, blueprint
- המתווה הנחתם
- gas agreement
- חוזה גז
- The Turkish economy
- המשק הטורקי
- to cut the supply
- לחתוך את האספקה
- pipeline
- צינור
- antitrust commissioner
- הממונה על ההגבלים העסקיים
- additional obstacles
- מכשולים נוספים
- trading conditions
- תנאים מסחריים