Israel Post Service Issues Cyrus Declaration Stamp

Lesson Brief Al Arabiya
On April 16, Al Arabiya reported that the Israel Post Service issued a new stamp bearing the image of the ancient clay cylinder known as the Cyrus Declaration. The cylinder was discovered in the ruins of Babylon in 1879 and carries an Akkadian inscription allegedly from King Cyrus of Persia to the Babylonians, in which he states that he is blessed by the god Marduk and allowed the Jews to return to Israel from exile. The article discusses the various historical controversies over they cylinder, with many questioning its legitimacy. This set features two classical ways of referring to the ancient Mesopotamian civilization: حَضَارَة الرَّافِدَيْن or ما بين النهرين. Literally, these phrases refer to the land that lays between the two rivers/tributaries.

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