Ismail Haniyeh returns to Gaza
Lesson Brief
Al Arabiya
On January 29, Al Arabiya reported on the details of senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh's trip to Egypt and the meetings he held with senior government officials. Among the topics discussed were the electricity crisis in Gaza, the blockade, and reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. The electricity crisis in Gaza has resulted in protests by residents angered by ongoing power cuts. Haniyeh returned to Gaza after his trip to Egypt and five months abroad, where he visited Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj as well as Qatar.
Suggested Set: Hamas and Fatah Reach Comprehensive Agreement on Gaza
Video Vocabulary:
عاد ، يعود | To return | فريضة الحج | The Hajj, pilgrimage |
نائب الرئيس | Vice president | توجه إلى ، يتوجه إلى | To head to |
افاد، يفيد | To report | أجرى محادثات ، يجري محادثات | To hold talks |
الحركة | The movement | في طريقة عودته | On his way back |
جولة | Tour, circuit, round | مواصلة | continuing |
استمر ، يستمر | To last, continue | مساعي | efforts |
غادر، يغادر | To depart | تطوير العلاقة | Developing the relationship |
لأداء | To perform | تعزيزها | Strengthening it |
عزل الرئيس | Deposing the president |
Click and Match
- several meetings
- عدة اجتماعات
- addressing, touching on
- التطرق إلى
- crossing(s)
- معبر ، معابر
- to affect, touch
- مَسَّ ، يَمَسُّ
- to reveal
- ُكَشَفَ ، يَكْشِف
- to finish, conclude
- أنهى ، ينهي
- were addressed
- تم تناولها
- non-intervention
- عدم التدخل
- Egyptian intelligence
- المخابرات المصرية
- multiple problems
- مشكلات متعددة