ISIS Attacks Lebanese Town Arsal Again
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
On August 29, Annahar reported that ISIS and other extremist organizations have once again attacked Lebanese army positions near the town of Arsal. More Lebanese soldiers have fallen to the organization.
Click and Match
- claim of
- زَعْم عن
- two important developments
- تَطَوُّرَين مُهِمَّين
- making widespread
- تَعْميم
- (place of) an ambush, hideout
- مَكْمَن
- growing / mounting possibilities
- احتمالات متعاظمة
- or
- أم
- overcoming, sidestepping
- تَذْليل
- to be limited to
- اِقْتَصَرَ ، يَقْتَصِرُ على
- to spread out
- تَمَدَّدَ ، يَتَمَدَّدُ
- not... yet
- لَم... بَعْد