ISIS Arrests Internal Coup Plotters
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
Da'esh, aka ISIS etc., claims to have arrested several members of the organization for threatening to carry out a coup against group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The would be mutineers were allegedly recorded speaking in Turkish and discussing their discontent over Baghdadi's leadership, which was, it seems, to moderate for these members. The recordings, apparently used as confessions, reportedly contain a discussion that Baghdadi, in failing to brand more Iraqis and Syrians as infidels and for himself accepting money from infidels, is himself an infidel.
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- cell(s)
- خلية ، خلايا
- to fail in one's duties
- تَخَلَّفَ ، يَتَخَلَّفُ عن واجباتِه
- therefore, thus
- وبالتالي
- more severe, more extremist
- أكثر تشددا
- to plan
- خَطَّطَ ، يُخَطِّطُ
- audio clip
- مقطع صوتي
- video
- شريط مصور
- as a... in their view
- كونه... بِنَظَرِهِم
- recording
- تسجيل
- which was published today
- الذي نُشِرَ اليوم