Is ISIS a Real Threat to Uzbekistan?
Lesson Brief
As the coalition against ISIS continues bombing the group in Syria and hunting down members in Europe, the countries of Central Asia are having their own concerns about returning ISIS fighters. Uzbekistan, in particular, is having serious security fears about its citizens returning from Syria. Many of the fighters who have gone to Syria are former members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, who have sworn allegiance to ISIS.
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- similar
- схожи
- ghost, specter
- призрак
- resident of Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- ташкентец
- suspicion
- подозрение
- to consolidate, to entrench oneself, to gain a foothold
- закрепляться, закрепиться
- bypass, detour
- обход
- raid, round-up
- облава
- turmoil, bustle, clutter
- суматоха
- one who is exiting
- выезжающий
- development
- развитие