Iraqi Officials Call for Protecting Iraq’s History
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On March 8, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported that Iraqi officials are calling on the international community to do more to protect Iraq's heritage sites artifacts, and monuments. The appeals come as more reports of ISIS rampaging through the country's historical areas, destroying some of the artifacts they find and selling others on the black market to finance its operations. Iraq's minister of tourism did not specify how exactly the international community should intervene, but said it should use all the means at its disposal and that the US-led coalition again the group should continue to conduct air strikes wherever the group is present.
This set features a few interesting vocabulary words, which we have highlighted below
علما ان - bearing in mind that
حَصَرَ ، يَحْصَرُ الإمكانية - to limit the possibility
تَحَرَّكَ ، يَتَحَرَّكُ - to move, to mobilize. Note that this verb usually means to move, but in the context of this article means to mobilize.
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- to voice fears (approximate)
- أَبْدَى ، يُبْدي مخاوفا
- century(ies)
- قرن ، قرون
- the sky, the air
- السماء
- video(tape)
- شريط
- to be exposed to, to be the victim of
- تَعَرَّضَ ، يَتَعَرَّضُ له
- the international coalition
- التحالف الدولي
- to be(come) available
- تَوافَرَ ، يَتوافَرُ
- remote, secluded, hard to get to
- قصيّ
- to lead
- قادَ ، يَقودُ
- following, coming after (in succession)
- تباعا به