Iraqi Government Seeking Kurdish Forces
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On November 3, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported that Baghdad has asked the Kurdistan Regional Government to help the central government form a military force to reclaim the city of Mosul. The force would reportedly be comprised of Kurdish Peshmerga forces. The KRG responded that it would study the matter and discuss it further.
Click and Match
- strategy
- استراتيجية
- to be limited, to be restricted
- انْحَصَرَ ، يَنْحَصِرُ
- importance, significance
- أهمية
- population centers
- مراكز سكانية
- military division, detachment
- فرقة
- to request, to ask for
- طَلَبَ ، يَطْلُبُ
- to aim, to seek
- هَدَفَ ، يَهْدَفُ
- to require, to necessitate
- تَطَلَّبَ ، يَتَطَلَّبُ
- core
- نواة
- challenges
- تحديات