Interpol Declares Yanukovych “Wanted”
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian
On January 12, Interpol declared former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych a wanted man. This means that if Yanukovych enters any country that actively cooperates with Interpol, he can be arrested and extradited to Ukraine. Currently, Yanukovych lives in a small settlement outside of Moscow. Reports are that he, along with several other wanted Ukrainians, was granted Russian citizenship, which makes extradition all but impossible.
Click and Match
- search, investigation (here: wanted)
- розыск
- to release, to produce, to let out/to let go
- выпускать, выпустить
- to post, to put out
- вывешивать, вывесить
- to prefer
- предпочитать, предпочесть
- successively, in a series
- последовательно
- state, official
- казённый
- embezzlement
- растрата
- to become complicated, to thicken
- усложняться, усложниться
- to notice, to observe, to note
- замечать, заметить
- to be accompanied (by)
- сопровождаться