Hillel President Boycotts J-Street Conference
Lesson Brief
On March 10, NRG reported that the President of the Hillel organization in the US, Eric Fingerhut, will not attend this year's annual J-Street conference. His reason for doing so lies in the list of speakers proposed for the conference. specifically prominent Palestinian official Saeb Erekat.
In this article, הלל הפתוח - Open Hillel is an organization that is different from the Hillel Organization. There is also the use of the word קמפוס or קמפוסים which is "campus" transliterated.
Click and Match
- the ranks of the organization
- שורות הארגון
- to go over, study
- לעבור על , עובר על
- list of priorities
- סדר העדיפיות
- to turn his back
- לפנות את גבו, פונה
- based on the hope
- מבוסס על התקווה
- to leave from
- לפרוש מ, פורש מ
- presence
- נוכחות
- designated for students
- מיועד לסטודנטים
- to express oneself
- להתבטא, מתבטא
- in order to thank, acknowledge
- בכדי להודות