High Tech Bridge Inaugurated in Beersheba

Lesson Brief beershevacity.com
On January 13, the City of Beersheba inaugurated an impressive and unique double helix bridge that connects the high-tech park to the northern train station. The bridge extends 180 meters and will serve thousands of employees that work in the high-tech park. The bridge, which is built upon four steel arches, allowing pedestrians to walk over the train tracks in a shaded and stunning environment. Additional vocabulary:
בְּמַעֲמָד In the presence of לַחשׂוֹף , חושף To reveal, expose
אֶמֶשׁ Last night צוּרָה , צורות Shape(s)
בְּסָמוּך ל Close to חומרים materials
אָמוּר ל Supposed to מוּרכָּב מ Composed of
עוֹבֵד worker אָטוּם sealed
קֶשֶׁת , קְשָתוֹת Arch(es) באופן חלקי partially
אֵזוֹר מוּגָן Protected area בֵּין הַשְׁאָר Among other things
חֲטִיבָה brigade נָדִיר Rare
כִּמעַט almost בְּמַהֲלָך הטֶקֶס During the ceremony
בְּקָרוֹב soon תוֹשָׁב resident
העיר באר-שבע

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