Hezbollah Drone Airstrip Arouses Fears

Lesson Brief Al Sharq Al Awsat
On April 26, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported on the recent discovery of a suspected Hezbollah-Iranian run airstrip in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. The runway, too small for Syrian and Iranian transport aircraft, is believed to be intended for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs / drones) for reconnaissance purposes. The revelation, coming shortly after Israel bombed sites in Syria's Mount Qalamoun, has aroused fears about a possible Israeli strike inside Lebanon. This article also discusses the recent seizure of the Syrian town of Jisr Shugour by Syrian oppositions forces, including terrorist group the Nusra Front, from regime forces after three days of fighting. The strategic town has been a hotly contested area for years and provides its occupant a way into other areas of northwestern Syria.  
Al Jazeera

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