Hezbollah Criticizes Bahrain for Stopping Shiite Group’s Activities
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
On October 28, An Nahar reported that Bahraini authorities have ordered a freeze to the activities of the Al-Wifaq Islamic Society, a Shiite religious-political institution, prompting denunciation from Shiite militant organization Hezbollah. Hezbollah and its backer Iran have been critical of the Sunni-led Bahraini government's crackdown on protests. Bahrain is a majority Shiite population.
Click and Match
- justification
- مبرر
- packaged, canned
- معلب
- escalation
- تصعيد
- to denounce
- شَجَبَ ، يَشْجُبُ
- to experience, to go through
- عاشَ ، يَعيشُ
- authorities, officials
- سلطات
- to represent, to take the form of
- شَكَّلَ ، يُشَكِّلُ
- rightful demands
- مطالب محقة
- mock, in form only
- صوري
- intransigently, stubbornly
- تَعَنُّتًا