Hepatitis in Egypt
Lesson Brief
Al Jazeera
According to an Egyptian government survey, 4.3 million Egyptians are infected with Hepatitis B and C. A recent New York Times article reported that 6 million Egyptians were infected with Hepatitis C during the countries decades-long battle with schistosomiasis, in which many people were treated with contaminated needles. About 150 million people around the globe are infected with the virus, which can be cured.
Click and Match
- infected with
- إصابة به
- blood transfusion
- نقل الدم
- kidney problems
- مشاكل الكُلَى
- to suffer from
- عانى من ، يُعانِي
- Cesarean deliveries
- الولادات القيصرية
- needle(s)
- إبرة ، ابر
- national data
- بيانات قومية
- Minister of Health
- وزير الصحة
- to be exposed to second hand smoking
- تَعَرَّضَ للتدخين السلبي، يَتَعَرَّض
- to show
- أَظْهَرَ ، يُظْهِر