Has the Arab Spring returned to Tunisia?

Lesson Brief EuroNews
On January 23, EuroNews reported that Tunisian authorities imposed a nationwide curfew in response to massive social protests across the country against unemployment and difficult economic conditions. Tunisia's Prime Minister Habib Essid held an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the protests and expressed his understanding to those struggling in the country. The protests, which are occurring nearly five years after the revolution that toppled the country's previous ruler, were sparked by the death of a young unemployed man who was killed after being electrocuted while climbing a power pole during a demonstration against unemployment. Additional vocabulary:
مدينة ، مدن City, cities قَلَّصَ ، يُقَلِّص / تقليص To reduce / reducing
ضد against فارق ، فوارق Disparity, disparities
اقتصادي economic التفاوت , تفاوتات Inequality, inequalities
وضع ، أوضاع Situation(s), condition(s) حتى وإن even if
عدالة justice قادرة على able to (f)
شاب A young man بينما While
سَجَّلَ، يُسَجِّل / تسجيل To record / recording ملائم Appropriate
مبررا أن Justifying that تمويل Funding

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