Gulf States Call on UN Security Council to Act against Houthis
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On February 15, BBC Arabic reported that Gulf states have called on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution to bring about a settlement to the ongoing political crisis in Yemen. The GCC states are pushing for a resolution that would authorize sanctions or even the use of military force to reach such a settlement and put an end to the Houthis takeover of the Yemeni government, an act the GCC has called a coup. Meanwhile, Western and Arab states have continued to close their embasies in Sanaa amid the instability and security concerns.
Click and Match
- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
- مجلس التعاون الخليجي
- issuing, seeking approval (of a decision)
- استصدار
- resolution
- قرار
- the spirit of coexistence
- روح التعايش
- (here) to call on
- دَعا ، يَدْعو
- use of military force
- استخدام القوة العسكرية
- to tighten one's grip over
- أَحْكَمَ ، يُحْكِمُ قبضته على
- resigning
- استقالة
- embassy
- سفارة
- imposing international sanctions
- فرض عقوبات اقتصادية