Grey Zone of the Donbass
Lesson Brief
Новое вермя Украина
Must of Eastern Ukraine is still in the hands of separatist forces. Mustafa Najem writes that Ukraine needs to figure out a way to reintegrate the population of Ukrainians who live in the occupied territories and "grey zones" near the front line. He thinks that it may be easier to "conquer" the region with social reintegration of the population, rather than have it "returned."
Note: The video is of Mustafa Najem voicing his opinions on the state of Ukraine and the prime minister. Unfortunately, there are no videos about his article in Russian, only in Ukrainian.
Click and Match
- individual act, amateur performance
- самодеятельность
- temporary measures
- временные меры
- to boil over, to seethe (about anger) [used when talking about something - The water is boiling]
- кипеть
- betrayal, treason
- предательство
- liberation, release
- освобождение
- to admire, to be delighted
- восхищаться, восхититься чем-то, кем-то
- to destroy, to obliterate
- уничтожать, уничтожить что-то
- to be nestle [intransitive]
- ютиться
- to gain, to conquer
- завоёвывать, завоевать что-то, кого-то
- move, corssing
- переезд