Google Street Car Stuck in La Tomatina Crowds
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
On August 28, Annahar reported that a Google Street car was stuck in the throngs of La Tomatina participants in Spain while trying to transmit images of the event. During the event, the Google car was pounded by tomatoes in the annual festival. This article uses a plethora of technical and cultural vocabulary, critical for any serious Arabic student.
Click and Match
- capturing pictures
- اِلْتِقَاط الصور
- to dispatch a crew
- أَوْفَدَ طَاقِمًا مِن, يُوْفِدُ طَاقِمًا مِن
- from the heart of the event
- من قلب الحدث
- battle of the tomatoes
- مَعْرَكَة الطماطم
- throwing of tomatoes
- تَرَاشُق الطماطم
- the Spanish branch
- الفرع الإسباني
- advanced cameras
- الكاميرات المتطورة
- roof(s)
- سَقْف , سُقُوف
- stuck in
- ُعَلِقَ, يَعْلَق
- widely
- على نطاق واسع