Explosion in Kharkov
Lesson Brief
Radio Svoboda
There was an explosion in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov on Sunday, targeting participants of a march for the one year anniversary of Euromaidan in Kiev. The explosion took place near the front of column and has left three people dead, and 10 severely injured. The authorities have arrested four suspects on the blast but it is still unknown who exactly is responsible.
Click and Match
- explosion
- взрыв
- victim, injured
- пострадавший
- explosive device
- взрывное устройство
- expansion, extension, enlargement
- расширение
- to die, to pass away
- скончаться
- to dismiss, to put aside
- отстранять, отстранить
- to assign, to appoint
- назначать, назначить
- to lead, to head
- возглавлять, возглавить
- to suspend, to cease
- приостанавливать, приостановить
- to express, to speak, to speak up
- высказываться, высказаться