Every Country Has a Dark Side
Lesson Brief
Радио Свобода
Monday's set is an excerpt from an interview done with the late-Lithuanian politician and academic, Leonidas Donskis. He talks about how country's need to look deeper into their histories and past the easy and typical narratives.
Note: There is no video for this set. On the website, there is an audio clip which follows the text. I suggest that you listen to the audio clip before reading interview excerpt.
Click and Match
- purification, purge, purifying
- очищение
- to disown, to disavow, to renounce, to abdicate
- отрекаться, отречься от чего-нибудь
- record, recording, entry
- запись
- suddenly
- скоропостижно
- conscience
- совесть
- purposeful (adj.)
- целенаправленный
- decency
- порядочность
- bravery, courage
- храбрость
- spot, stain, blot
- пятно
- court (adj.), courtier (n.)
- придворный