European Commission Set to Impose Pre-Entry Checks for Visa-Free Travelers
Lesson Brief
Deutsche Welle
Beginning in 2019/2020 the Europe Union will require countries with visa-free travel to pre-register to come into the Shengen Zone. Countries will still be able to enter without a visa, however, travelers will have to sing up online and pay five Euros for registration.
Click and Match
- to turn into, to turn to
- обращаться, обратиться за чем-нибудь
- to welcome, to greet
- приветствовать
- infusion, injection
- вливание
- resistance, opposition
- сопротивление
- penetration, infiltration
- проникновение
- suspect
- подозреваемый
- visa-free entry
- безвизовый въезд
- prevention
- предотвращение
- innovation, introduction
- нововведение
- applicant
- заявитель