Erdogan refuses to withdraw Turkish forces from Ba’shiqah

Lesson Brief BBC Arabic
On October 11, BBC Arabic reported that Turkish President Erdogan refused to withdraw Turkish fighters from the Ba'shiqah military camp following criticism from Iraq's prime minister. In August, Turkish forces went into Iraq to combat ISIS and achieve strategic objectives against Kurdish forces. Suggested Set: Kurds take the battle to ISIS Video Vocabulary:
اتهامات متبادلة Mutual accusations معسكر Military camp
العلاقات المتوترة Tense relations أهان ، يهين To insult
عرقل ، يعرعل To impede, hinder تأخير المعركة Delaying the battle
إستعادة (here) retaking مقاتل fighter
دور استشاري An advisory role تجاوز ، يتجاوز To exceed
بشكل عنيف violently عنصر، عناصر Component(s), member(s), element(s)
أوامر orders اسناد مدفعي Artillery support
إنطلاق Start, launch العملية المرتقبة Expected operation
Al Arabiya

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