Egypt’s journalists v. Interior Minister

Lesson Brief Al Quds
On May 5, Al Quds reported on the ongoing crisis and escalation of tensions between the Egyptian Journalists Union and the government. Protesters have been calling for the removal of Egyptian Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar following the arrest of two journalists during a government raid on the Egyptian press syndicate. In response to the protests, Egyptian newspapers published the minister's picture in negative and ran black banners on their front pages. Additional Vocabulary:
مجدداً again تشكيل forming
اللواء General ممثلي الكتل البرلمانية Representatives of parliamentary blocs
على خلفية Regarding, against the backdrop of فضلاً عن As well as
احتجاجاً على protesting سبيل ، سبل Way(s)
في ظل In light of غير ملونة monochrome
عقب Following, after تسويد blackening
انتهاء Ending, close انعقاد دائم Continuous session
الرأي العام Public opinion استغلال Exploiting
على ذمة pending مجلس ، مجالس Council(s)
وزير الداخلية Interior Minister النقيب Captain
Al Arabiya

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