Egyptian station stops broadcasting Hezbollah’s Al Manar
Lesson Brief
Israel Hayom
On April 6, Israel Hayom reported that an Egyptian satellite station ceased broadcasting content from Hezbollah-owned satellite station Al Manar, stating that its programs were inciting and offensive. The step joined a series of measures taken against the Lebanese terrorist/political organization recently, including a decision by the Arab League to define Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Click and Match
- offensive content
- תְּכָנִים פּוֹגְעֲנִיִים
- satellite company
- חֶבְרַת הלַוְיָין
- to strongly oppose, it strongly opposes (f)
- לְהִתְנַגֵד בְּתוֹקֶף , מִתְנַגֶּדֶת בְּתוֹקֶף
- to support the proposal, it supported (f)
- לִתְמוֹךְ בּהַצָעָה , תָּמְכָה בּהַצָעָה
- close to
- מְקוֹרָב ל
- to implement, they implemented
- לִנְקוֹט , נָקְטוּ
- to decide, it decided (f)
- לְהַחְלִיט , הֶחְלִיטָה
- Ministry of Communications
- מִשׂרָד התִקשׁוֹרֶת
- opposition representatives
- נְצִיגֵי האוֹפּוֹזִיצִיָה
- to join
- לְהִצְטָרֵף , מִצְטָרֵף