Egypt warns of protests after transfer of islands to Saudi Arabia
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On April 14, BBC Arabic reported that the Egyptian Interior Ministry was warning of protests following the country's transfer of two islands in the Red Sea to Saudi Arabia. Egypt stated that it would maintain security and stability and urged citizens not to be misled by what it termed inflammatory calls to protest. On April 9, Egypt announced the transfer of sovereignty to the two islands, Tiran and Sanafir, to Saudi Arabia
Additional Vocabulary
ُقَالَتْ ، تَقُول | it stated, states (f) |
بيان | statement |
أجهزة الأمن | security agency |
ُاِسْتَهْدَفَتْ ، تَسْتَهْدِف | it targeted, targets (f) |
مشاركة | participation |
العرض | the display, show, presentation |
في أعقاب | following |