Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia Sign Nile River Agreement
Lesson Brief
Emarat al-Youm
On March 23, Emarat al-Youm reported on the signing of a major agreement between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia on the fate of the Renaissance Dam (Al Nahda Dam). The dam is the cause of concern for Ethipoia's downstream neighbors who feared the effects of diversions of the Nile's water supply. The deal lays out the basic principals on how the dam is to be used and paves the way for a future comprehensive agreement on the Nile River as a whole. This deal, the most positive and constructive policy initiative to come out of North Africa in some time, will curb the tension that Egyptian officials in recent years to discuss military action to secure its Nile interests.
Click and Match
- agriculture, farming
- الزراعة
- to depend on... for, to rely on... for
- اعْتَمَدَ ، يَعْتَمِدُ على... في
- counterpart
- نظير
- benefit, usefulness
- منفعة
- development, growth
- تنمية
- to manufacture, to make, to create
- صَنَعَ ، يَصْنَعُ
- conviction, contention
- قناعة
- to impede, to obstruct
- عَرْقَلَ ، يُعَرْقِلُ
- to pave the way
- مَهَّدَ ، يُمَهِّدُ الطريق
- support(s), foundation(s)
- دعائم