Egypt Greenlights Military Strikes on Gaza
Lesson Brief
Israel Hayom
On March 1, Israel Hayom reported on a recent Egyptian ruling to green light military strikes on Hamas after the country labeled it a terrorist organization. Although Egyptian officials estimate that there are slim chances for an Egyptian military offensive in Gaza, legal authorities have discussed and confirmed that Egypt has decided to keep the option on the table. Such a decision is intended to deter and intimidate Hamas, which has been accused of terror attacks in Egypt.
Click and Match
- angry, furious
- זועם
- disturbance, tummult
- מהומה
- to allow its continued activity
- להתיר את המשך פעילותה, מתיר
- because of an assumption
- בשל הנחה
- to concede, yield in effect
- לוותר למעשה, מוותר
- to rule in a proceeding/hearing
- לקבוע בדיון, קובע
- defined as a terrorist organization
- הוגדר כארגון טרור
- polluting/damaging the reputation
- זיהום המוניטין
- the ousting of the regime
- הדחת המשטר
- in the supreme court
- ביהמ"ש העליון