Egypt Announces Plan to Build New Capital
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On March 14, BBC Arabic reported that Egypt announced a plan to construct a new capital city east of Cairo. The project, set to cost USD 45 billion and take between 5 and 7 years to complete, is aimed at lowering congestion in Cairo, one of the world's densest metropolises. A new company, Capital Company, has been established to manage the project and the effort is being funded by Mohammed Alabbar, the Emirati national behind the Burj Al Khalifa in Dubai. Government facilities are to be transferred to the new capital and the largest tower in Africa is planned to be mark its skyline. The investment is banking on stability in Egypt over the next several years at least, anything but a certainty since 2011.
Pay attention to the Egyptian dialect in the video, in particular حا تكون, which is a colloquial way of saying "will be".
Click and Match
- frozen, on hold
- مجمد
- gains
- مكاسب
- to improve environmental conditions
- حَسَّنَ ، يُحَسِّنُ الأوضاع البيئية
- greater (stronger) than the pyramid(s)
- أقوى من الأهرام
- to constrict, to lessen
- قَلَّصَ ، يُقَلِّصُ
- giant
- عملاق
- signing an agreement
- توقيع اتفاق
- heavy traffic (crowding)
- زحام شديد
- investigation, examination
- تفقد
- to seek help from
- اسْتَعانَ ، يَسْتَعينُ به