Dubai Predicting Renewed Economic Growth
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
The secretary general of the Dubai Economic Council Hani al-Hameli said he predicts the emirate's economic growth to continue. Hameli stressed that Dubai remains an investment hub, attracting foreigners by offering high-quality services, job opportunities, and an affluent lifestyle.
Click and Match
- skills
- مَهارات
- that is based on...
- يَقومُ عَلَى
- energy efficiency
- كَفاءةُ الطّاقَة
- deluge, overflow, surplus
- فَيْض
- sustainable growth
- نُموّ المُسْتَدام
- counsel, advice
- المَشُوْرَة
- infrastructure
- بُنْيَة تَحْتِيَّة
- affluent life
- الحَياة الرَّغيدَة
- products
- المُنْتَجات
- bolstering, reinforcing
- مُعَزِّز