Dubai police confiscate 81 cars for reckless driving
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On June 12, BBC Arabic reported that Dubai's police conducted a large operation to curb street racing and reckless driving in the emirate. According to local police sources, the police followed a number of young drivers that are known to participate in street races and drove more than 300 kmh. The police confiscated 81 cars without license plates. The attached video is an Arabic news broadcast about a car accident that was caused by reckless driving and uses similar vocabulary that you will learn in this set.
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- to drive
- ُقَادَ ، يَقُود
- reckless driving
- القيادة المتهورة
- past years
- الاعوام المنصرمة
- to be able to
- تَمَكَّنَ من ، يَتَمَكَّنُ من
- car(s)
- سيارة ، سيارات
- other accusations
- اتهامات أُخْرَى
- motorcycles
- الدراجات النارية
- a wide operation
- حملة موسعة
- participating in
- المشاركة في
- a large operation
- عملية ضخمة