Don’t forget your sunglasses

Lesson Brief Al Quds
Choosing your sunglasses may be a more important decision than you previously thought. In this set, you will prepare to read an advanced level Arabic article detailing the dangerous effects that ultra-violet rays can have on your vision and why its important to cycle through your sunglasses. The attached video is a short Arabic informational video about different medical and sunglasses styles. Vocabulary from the video can be found in the table below. Video Vocabulary:
عضو ، أعضاء Organ(s) النظارات المقوسة Curved glasses
التهاب و حساسية Inflammation and sensitivity ابرز ، يبرز To highlight
نظارات طبية Medical glasses نحيف Thin, slender
اختار ، يختار To choose ابتعاد عن Stay away from
تأخذ بعين الاعتبار To take into consideration النظارات المستطيلة Rectangular glasses
شكل الوجه Face shape جاذبية attractiveness
ملامح features لون الشعر Hair color
النظارات المستديرة Round glasses لون الملابس Clothing color
لون غامق Dark color
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