Contentious Initial Vote Results in Tunisia
Lesson Brief
Al Arabiya
The head of Nida Tunis (Tunis Calling), Beji Caid Essabsi, has declared an early victory in Tunisia's presidential elections over interim president Moncef al-Marzouki. The latter, however, cautioned that only the initial results have been tallied and that the votes were very close. With a lower than expected turnout, analysts speculated the country is experience politics and revolutionary fatigue.
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- to criticize
- انْتَقَدَ ، يَنْتَقِدُ
- to be distinguished
- تَمَيَّزَ ، يَتَمَيَّزُ
- confusion
- حيرة
- statistics
- إحصائيات
- declaration of victory
- إعلان فوز
- candidate
- مُرَشَّح
- independent body (commission)
- هيئة مستقلة
- (here) fatigue
- ملل
- the course of the revolution
- المسار الثوري
- voting (polling) stations
- مكاتب اقتراع