Child Suicides in Tunisia

Lesson Brief Sky News Arabia
On April 26, Sky News Arabia reported on the troubling numbers coming out of Tunisia concerning cases of child suicide. The article reported that the cases of child suicide or attempted suicide jumped in 2015 by more than 400 percent compared to 2014. According to a Tunisian government minister, suicide is increasingly seen as a form of expression by Tunisian children, who often feel like a burden on their parents due to the deteriorating economic situation in marginalized regions of the country. Additional Vocabulary:
مقارنة به compared to مَثَّلَ ، يُمَثِّلُ to represent
تصريحات statements عَاشَ ، يَعِيشُ to live
نشرت ، تنشر it published, it publishes (f) مندوب delegate, representative
مقابل vis-a-vis تقرير ، تقارير report(s)
سَبَقَتْ ، تَسْبِقُ it preceded, it precedes (f) اَفَادَ، يُفِيدُ to report
مجلس النواب parliament لاسيما في especially in
اِعْتَبَرَتْ ، تَعْتَبِرُ she considered, she considers على غرار Like
جلسة عامة a public meeting
شبكة تونس الإخبارية

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