Bus Drivers Stop Working Due to Lack of Personal Security
Lesson Brief
On December 2, Ynet reported on the current situation of Jerusalem bus drivers, Jewish and Arab alike. Amidst rising tensions in Jerusalem, a quarter of bus drivers did not show up for work due to issues of harassment by passengers and a lack of personal security. According to the Office of Transportation, this is the first time the issue has been brought to its attention.
Click and Match
- instances of violence
- מקרי האלימות
- the capital city
- העיר הבירה
- to become stronger
- להתעצם, מתעצם
- hidden policeman
- שוטר סמוי
- to be resign from their jobs
- להתפטר מתפקידם, מתפטר
- to kick your ass
- לקרוע לך את הצורה, קורע
- supervisor
- ממונה
- to testify in a special discussion
- להעיד בדיון מיוחד, מעיד
- to take part in financing
- ליטול חלק במימון, נוטל
- throwing cinder blocks
- השלכת בלוקים