Building a future for displaced Iraqi women
Lesson Brief
Al Sumaria
On January 22, Al Sumaria reported on the opening of a center in Kirkuk that features the handicrafts and other works produced by displaced Iraqi women. Currently, there are more than 40 centers to eradicate illiteracy for women in Kirkuk, whose work goes beyond pedagogical education. According to the article, many of these centers train women in various crafts, which can go a long way in reducing the burdens caused by the difficult conditions under which they live. The article is an almost complete transcript of the attached video, so be sure to click through to the article and follow along!
Additional vocabulary:
مركز ، مراكز | Center(s) | حرفة ، حرف | Craft(s) |
عمل ، أعمال | (here) craft(s) | صناعة | industry |
فني | Artistic, technical | تحفة ، تحف | Work(s) of art , antique(s) |
الامية | illiteracy | معرض ، معارض | Exhibition(s) |
محو ، يمحو / محو | To erase / erasing | عانى ، يعاني / معاناة | to suffer / suffering |
تربوي | pedagogical | مدير | director |
تعليم | education | قسم ، أقسام | Department(s) |
بل | but | ظرف ، ظروف | Condition(s) |
الخروج الى | Going out to | وجع، اوجاع | Pain(s) |
مادي | Physical, material | نفسي | Psychological |
إستفاد ، يستفيد من | To benefit from | دار ، ديار | Home(s) |
الدعم اللازم | The necessary support | الحكومة المحلية | The local government |
Click and Match
- the concerned parties , stakeholders
- الجهات المعنية
- to contribute to
- أَسْهَمَ في ، يُسْهِم في
- eradicating illiteracy
- مَحْو الامية
- whether physical or psychological
- سواء كانت مادية او نفسية
- (here) to feature
- ّضَمَّ ، يَضُم
- to benefit from
- للاستفادة من
- their burden (f)
- كاهلهن
- the skills (dialect)
- هاي المهارات
- reducing
- التخفيف من
- (here) proceeds
- مبالغ